There’s no doubt that our clients experience much greater sense of confidence from the work that we do together – and that’s because we help educate them in the business they run, not just tell them how to run it! Complexity gets sorted out, decisions get made and systems get put in place. Problems are resolved, potential hazards are identified and pathways are determined. And with this comes an intense feeling of enjoyment and relief, for our clients and for us. After all, who doesn’t want to play on a winning team? |
For our clients in business, this means that their business is not just financially viable but a platform upon which to build significant wealth.
Being able to rise above the complexity and follow their financial projections has proved crucial to our clients’ success. It’s here where they have the time, mindset and inclination to innovate, revitalise and accessorise …. and yes, have plenty of fun along the way.
At Hansens, we believe that fun in business should not just be allowed but definitely encouraged! Underpinned by the know how and disciplines we instil; our clients tell us that their day to day grind gets replaced by discretionary time – time to push the business forward and personal time to recharge.
Being able to rise above the complexity and follow their financial projections has proved crucial to our clients’ success. It’s here where they have the time, mindset and inclination to innovate, revitalise and accessorise …. and yes, have plenty of fun along the way.
At Hansens, we believe that fun in business should not just be allowed but definitely encouraged! Underpinned by the know how and disciplines we instil; our clients tell us that their day to day grind gets replaced by discretionary time – time to push the business forward and personal time to recharge.
More than just accounting
Our clients quickly come to appreciate that we’re here to help. In fact, they tend to see us as the “Go to people for anything”. Far from being scary people to call, clients tell us not just how they love not just the solutions we come up with but that friendly interactions with Hansens team members make their day. |
More than just tax
Too often when clients come to see us for the first time, they have their affairs structured solely on the basis of tax reduction. It’s a classic case of not just the tail wagging the dog but of giving it a vigorous shake. Sure, tax is important, but structures must be functional and help to achieve clients’ overall objectives. |
More than just one advisor
At Hansens, we’ve embraced a team approach to client care.
You’ll notice this from the moment you come on board because you’ll be in the hands of a team member dedicated to making your transition as smooth as possible. Later, that same team member will liaise with you regarding information required to complete the assignments we undertake on your behalf and meet the deadlines for statutory documents. An accountant will be assigned to manage those assignments and a relationship manager will attend to administration and check in with you periodically.
All of this ensures that your senior adviser has the time and the headspace to be thinking and acting on achieving your goals and attending to other big picture issues.
You’ll notice this from the moment you come on board because you’ll be in the hands of a team member dedicated to making your transition as smooth as possible. Later, that same team member will liaise with you regarding information required to complete the assignments we undertake on your behalf and meet the deadlines for statutory documents. An accountant will be assigned to manage those assignments and a relationship manager will attend to administration and check in with you periodically.
All of this ensures that your senior adviser has the time and the headspace to be thinking and acting on achieving your goals and attending to other big picture issues.